Dynamic formulation: A breakthrough in bioprinting for regenerative medicine

Bioprinted pattern using dynamic formulation

Bioprinting: A game-changer for regenerative medicine

Bioprinting is a cutting-edge field of additive manufacturing that uses digital files to create biological tissue construct layer by layer. It has a wide range of applications across various fields, including tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and drug discovery. Bioprinting has a huge impact on regenerative medicine, as it enables the fabrication of tissue models with a higher level of complexity that could replace damaged or diseased tissues in the future. Additionally, it offers advantages over conventional methods of tissue engineering, such as higher resolution, better control over cell distribution and orientation, and reduced time, costs and waste.

A novel bioprinting technology based on microfluidics

CSEM has collaborated with REGENHU, a leading company in bioprinting, to develop a novel bioprinting printhead that allows dynamic formulation. This means that the material composition can be varied during the printing process, with real-time component mixing or the introduction of gradients for better biological mimicry.

A key component of this technology is a microfluidic chip developed by CSEM. This chip allows precise deposition of biomaterials and cells to create functional tissues and organs-on-chips. “Our disposable microfluidic chip enables dynamic formulation and handles live cells, maintaining them viable and in suspension. It can efficiently mix fluids and low-viscosity materials with cells with low waste to enable the printing of live tissues. Also, the microfluidic chip integrates co-extrusion functionality for core-shell bioprinting. Microfluidics technology is therefore instrumental in overcoming significant obstacles in bioprinting,” says Stéphanie Boder-Pasche, Senior Project Manager for Cell Microtechnologies at CSEM.

A competitive edge for REGENHU

Caio Valeriano, Sales Manager at REGENHU explains that: “With the Dynamic Formulation Module (DFM) we position ourselves as the innovative pioneer and leader in the bioprinting market. The ability to control in real-time the material composition and also to produce coaxial fibers is unique and this opens up new possibilities for creating more realistic and functional tissue models. This is possible thanks to CSEM’s microfluidic chip.”

A win-win collaboration for society, the economy, and the environment

Through the development and application of this cutting - edge bioprinting technology, REGENHU and CSEM have forged a mutually beneficial collaboration with extensive impacts. “The DFM will revolutionize the landscape of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, bringing significant advancements in the research on vital tissues such as cartilage, skin, and heart. Moreover, its impact also reaches drug discovery by enabling the creation of in vitro tissue models with a higher level of complexity, holding the potential to better predict responses to drugs, contributing to shortening the time for new drug discovery, and also reducing the need for animal testing. The advantages offered by this technology are numerous, and we firmly believe that it will make a profound impact on shaping the future of medicine,” confirms Valeriano. Furthermore, the synergy of bioprinting and microfluidics is advancing more sustainable and ethical practices by diminishing our dependence on animal organs, reducing transplant rejection risks, and offering more reliable tissue construct models.

Looking for a partner for your microfluidic project?

Contact us today if you would like to learn more. Or refer to our expertise in Tools for Life Sciences for more information on how we could help you.