September 3, 2024

MedPhab Photonic Innovation in MedTech Symposium

Join MedPhab at Technopark Zürich for a transformative event that unites industry stakeholders to explore cutting-edge photonic innovations. This symposium is dedicated to tackling the most critical challenges in point-of-care services, surgical assistance, and personalized diagnostic solutions. Network with leading photonics experts, industry pioneers, and potential collaborators. Discover the latest advancements in photonic technologies, understand regulatory frameworks, learn about control point development, and navigate the European development scene.

“Photonic Innovations in MedTech Symposium” hosted by MedPhab, will bring together leading experts from the fields of MedTech and Photonics to exchange insights and explore strategic pathways for advancing photonic technologies in medical devices. Set to be held at the Technopark in Zurich, Switzerland, the symposium will cover all steps from conceptualization to market release of innovative MedTech products, with a specific attention on the requirements and opportunities resulting from the integration of photonic technologies.

In dedicated sessions, experts will share their latest capabilities enabling the application of Photonics for MedTech solutions and best practice examples brought to life by Medphab experts from CSEM, Jabil, Joanneum Research, Philips, Tyndall and VTT.

Key emerging Photonic technologies that will enable solving the future medical challenges will be presented by leading experts as well as regulatory aspects and how to find your way in the European MedTech landscape.

Join us to see MedPhab’s unique offering and way of working, and of course, there will be ample opportunity for networking with photonic experts, industry leaders, potential partners and other stakeholders.

📍 Venue:
Technopark, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich
🗓Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
⏱️ Time: 09:30 - 18:30
🗣️ Language: English



Opening of the welcome desk



Christina Liedert, Executive Director, MedPhab Association
Vincent Revol, Vice President Industry 4.0 & Life Sciences, CSEM


Value chains in the uptake of photonics technologies - Photonics for MedTech in Switzerland

Pierre-Yves Fonjallaz, Representative in Romandy, SwissPhotonics



  • "Scaling up manufacturing in diagnostics" - Herbert Ernst, Fluidics Strategy Capability Lead, Jabil
  • "Adapting research analytical techniques and instruments to meet process requirements" - Prof. Dr. Marcus Rieker, Director Innovation, HORIBA Europe


MedPhab way of working to prepare for upscaling: Philips' perspective

Willem-Jan De Wijs, Senior Architect, Philips


Lunch break


Novel fabrication technologies

  • "Challenges and state-of-the-art in assembly of photonics products" - Antti Tolvanen, Sales Director, Etteplan
  • "Fostering innovation in MedTech via the adoption of multifunctional and miniaturized biophotonic glass microcomponents" - Renato Mutton, Business Development Manager, Femtoprint
  • "High-precition hybrid integration: From lab to fab" - Josue Parra Cetina, R&D Engineer, Ficontec


Photonics-enabled solutions

  • "Balancing scalability and complexity in optofluidic devices" - Prateek Singh, CEO, FinnAdvance
  • "Raman spectroscopic solutions for medical unmet needs" - Dr. Christoph Krafft, Head of Working Group, Leibniz Institute of Photonics Technologies
  • "Advanced multiplex diagnostic test using photonics integrated circuits (PIC)" - Nicola Bellotto, PhD, FemtoRays
  • "Solving Biopharma’s challenges through optical microchip’s sensing" - Ivan-Lazar Bundalo, PhD, CTO, Inspek Solutions
  • Alexandre Chikhaoui, Senior Director Business Development, X-Celeprint Ltd


Coffee break


Regulatory aspects

"Incorporation of quality management as part of R&D process" - Mika Siitonen, Head of digital Health, Labquality

"Advice for the Medical start-ups on launching the products in the EU market" - Kamalpreet Kaur, Project Manager Medical Devices at SGS, notified body


Closing remarks


Networking apéritif


Participants' dinner (mandatory reservation)

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