November 19, 2024

Precision Liquid Handling 2024

Join CSEM's 7th annual Precision Liquid Handling workshop at Technopark Zürich on Nov. 19, 2024. Discover cutting-edge liquid handling technologies, network with industry leaders, and gain insights from experts in the field. Don't miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of liquid handling advancements.

Banner Precision liquid handling event

The handling of small amounts of liquids using innovative liquid handling systems (robotic, microfluidic, etc.) is reducing the consumption of reagents and costs for numerous laboratory and industrial applications. This increasing precision is the result of the miniaturization of fluidic and electronic systems. Precision liquid handling is paving the way for advancements in -omics, organoid cell culture, and microfluidics.

Through innovation pitches and two keynote presentations, we will navigate the ever-changing and innovative liquid handling landscape.

CSEM and Toolpoint are thrilled to welcome you to this workshop and to hear your thoughts and opinions during the presentations and discussions. Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your products or technology to a group of industry professionals!

More info to come about the full program - stay tuned!

📍 Venue: Technopark, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich
🗓Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
⏱️ Time: 09:30 - 17:00
🗣️ Language: English

Upcoming events

CSEM Business Day 2024 Banner

14 November 2024

CSEM Business Day 2024: Celebrate 40 years of pioneering innovation

Embark on a journey of discovery at CSEM’s Business Day, where we commemorate 40 years of innovation. We’re not just marking four decades of success; we’re cultivating the seeds of tomorrow.

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9 October 2024

The Power of Photonic Integrated Circuits, Meeting the demands of Today and Tomorrow

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